Tuesday 25 September 2012

Cucumber and Yoghurt DIY face mask and scrub

This is a cleansing and very refreshing face mask made up of cucmber and yoghurt - as suggested by the name :) It will have immediate effects and leaves your skin feeling smooth andhydrated. This mask will help prevent pimples and blackheads. However, if you do have them, it is adviseable that you avoid using thickened yoghurt.

You will need :
- chopping board
- spoon
- cucumber
- original yoghurt
- knife
- bowl

This is what I will be using - opps! forgot to include the bowl...  D:

Now lets start!!!   >.<

Cut off a segment of your cucumber and slice it in half like so. This is pretty much all the cucumber you'll need.

 Add two spoonfuls of yoghurt into your bowl/container. I'm using thick greek yoghurt, so you might like to add three spoonfuls of yoghurt if yours isn't that thick.

 Scrape the inside of the cucumber into the mixture with your spoon. You can scrape in some of the flesh (sorry, didn't have a better word for the firm bit between the seeds and the skin)as well as the seeds.

Your cucumber should look like this when you've finished scraping.



 Mix! and your done! You can apply this straight to your face or arms, or any part of your body. Then just sit back, close your eyes, relax. Keep the mask on for at leat 5 minutes for it to take affect.

To make a scrub, follow the rest of the steps...

 Mash up the rest of the cucumber that you've scraped. This would work as a scrub by itself, and it'll be a great way to clean your face after wearing the cucumber and yoghurt mask! But no harm done adding it to the mixture and using that as a scub.

Here is a picture of what it looks like
I hope you guys liked this, if you know the name of the 'flesh' of the cucumber please comment below and tell me, I am actually really curious.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Japanese/Korean bun maker step-by-step tutorial

Finally the promised tutorial! Firstly I would like to apologise for it taking so long, and also the not-the-best quality photos. But anyway, let's start!

The bun maker you can buy one of these online easily. Taobao sells them very cheap. I think this one cost like 15 yuan or something, which is around 2-3 dollars.
Tie your hair into a tight high pony tail. Personally I think doughnut buns look best when they are neat and tidy, but you can make it as loose as you want just not so loose that the ponytail seems to hang down, because your bun will be unstable and might even unravel itself. Remember, your hair will be a lot heavier than usual, so don't tie it as loose as you would make your messy japanese/korean buns.
Gently pull at the sides of the bunmaker so that there is a hole for you to thread your ponytail in.

Thread the bun maker in at the top of your ponytail and close the hole the best you can. I should be albe to sit there without you holding it.

Holding the bun maker, pull your ponytail upwards with it. I'm holding onto the hair at the front because I want a neat bun. Stop pulling when you have about 15 cm of hair left at the end.

Follow the arrows. Flip the hair on th end onto hair at the front and roll in towards your hair band.Stop when the roll fo hair is touching your hair band, like in the next picture.

Now bend the bun maker around your hair band, so that it forms a ring around your head band, don't worry about your hair at this point. The ends of the bun maker would probably overlap, this is fine, but try to make the ring as tight around the hairband as possible, because this will make your bun more stable.
Now spread your hair from the roll to cover over the bun maker. This could be hard, just be patient and start pulling gently from the ends, moving your hair from the roll to uncovered parts of the bunmaker. Make sure you don't pull hair outwards, because that could make your bun really messy and loose, move only around the hair band. You can pin any messy bits with a bobby pin. Also this bun maker makes the bun very stable, not wobbly at all, but if you like, you can stick in a few bobby pins at the base to keep it even more stable.

AND We're DONE!!!!!

Now add you favourite hair acessories. Here are some pictures of mine!

Do you like them?  If there is anyting unclear, comment below and I'll add a few more pictures and steps. I jumped a bit, because it seemed to take so long.

  >.<  Have a good day everyone!

Nivea Toner Review

Choosing the right cleanser, toner and moisturiser is very important for the health of your skin. My skin fits into the category of; oily with a dry surface. That means that the surface of my face will appear oily if I'm not careful, like if I use an extra oily moisturiser, but underneath that oil, my skin is rather dry. Therefore, when cleaning my skin, I have to be careful not to dry out my skin, but also not to use a moisturiser that would make it oily, because that would result in pimples.  :( Anyways, hopefully this review will help you choose the right toner for you. I will be doing reviews of other toners later on as well, but the gap between will be quite big, because I need to try it out and make sure I know it well before I introduce it to you guys right? :)

I picked up this toner, off the shelf a year ago, and I have been using it since, here is a picture of it:
It is the Nivea Visage young, purifying toner.

This toner has an alcohol free formula, and actually does leave you skin refreshed, clean and moisturised. With this toner, I can cheat, if I'm tired, I just skip cleaning my skin. I wash it with water and then tone it straight away. Also, I usually do not have to moisturise after using this, which is an extra bonus for lazy me. With toners, it is always better to pick the gentle ones. If you find that a toner it too gentle for you. You might like to try wiping your face a few times with it before using a stronger one. Strong toners have the tendency to dry out and harden you skin, so be very careful with using them. You can usually tell how strong a toner is by looking at the alcohol content. The more alcohol it has, the stronger it is.

This toner will also act like a gentle but effecient makeup remover as with most other toners, but only for makeup that is not waterproof. But, for eye makeup, you would have to use an eye makeup remover, as on the packet it says avoid the eye area. Now here is my summary:

The Good:
- Does not dry out skin
- Very good for getting rid of  or just fading blackheads
- Does not clog pores
- Suitable for most skin types

The Bad:
- Not much help against pimples, however, it does seem to help prevent pimples
- If you have really oily skin, this is probably not the toner for you. But if your not lazy like me, you can always swipe your skin several times.

*This is my first review, so if there is anything you think I should change, please comment below and tell me!  :)

Thursday 5 July 2012

Thingies I got from China! (includes randomness)

Have you guys ever felt so happy and felt so much love towards someone, or felt that someone is just too sweet, that it feels like love is tingling all through your body, and your throat feels kinda numb, you don't know what to say, your face is frozen in some sillt position, and you can't move? Weird yea? That what I felt when my dad came back from China,to attend my cousins's wedding, and told us he found extremely cheap shirts 35 yuan each!!!!!! Seriously how much cheaper can you get?!! He told us that he brought two long sleeved and two short sleeved. Mum and I were like, what da heck?!! Why did you buy so few?!! And then he said, because I didn't buy you two much, I feel selfish if I buy too much for myself. Then I felt the weirdest mixture of feelings. I was thinking "I love my dad he's just so sweet, and also why WHY?! you should have brought more!! "

Then he told me that the cousin I gave soap to as a gift, brought me $130 earphones?! That's soo expensive, considering I gave her two bars of $6 soap. I was in a shocked state, I have never even seen earphones, that expensive, ever, before. I don't know how I'm going to be able to use it for a while. I'll probably put it in a box and take that around me so that it doesn't get damaged or something, nah just kidding, i wouldn't do that. I'll just put it next to my bed and stare at it for a few weeks or something, if that's any better. I acutally really want to use it to see how good the sound quality is, but I just can't bring myself to at the moment. Here are some pictures of it. Its just too pretty, these pictures really does not do it justice. The crystals on it are genuine and they literally shine.

Its even made by Swaroski! :O  The only thing I own by that brand is a pen, as you guys would know from one of my previous posts, and nope I didn't buy that. I turn my head whenever I seen those prices, it just isn't really worth it, you know, like i'm not earning money right now, I feel like I'm wasting my parents money. Like I don't need a swaroski pen, I can just get a cute morning glory one.

                                                         *                       *                      *

When you ask for something and you get more than you asked for, I find it really touching. I asked my cousin, (the same one!) to get me a small packet of makeup wipes, strange thing to ask for I know, but it's because I like the ones in china, they're smoother and thinner, that the ones I find where I live. They usually look nicer too with really cute packaging. hehehe :) You guys are probably thinking, what does the packaging have to do with the wipes? But thats just me I guess, please don't judge me. :D Anyhow, my cousin ended up getting me two large sized packets and also these two really cute mirrors that she found, when she was buying the makeup wipes. So sweet!!  Here is a picture of these.

Sorry, if I've been ranting randomly in this post (this is my longest post yet!), I'm still recovering from all this emotional overload. My realatives are just so nice!  And also, another happy little surprise , I finally got my Japanese/Korean bun maker!

Please anticipate my promised tutorial, and a taobao haul! for those who don't know what taobao is, its just an asian online shop, that has pretty much all types of asian fashions, korean, japanese, cosplay. It is famous for its wide variety of things on sale (sorry I can't remember what the word for that is, if you guys know, please comment and tell me). There's assesories, swimwear and even food. Personally, I like it better than yesstyle. (Another well known online asian store)

So hopefully I'll be albe to post more often now that's its the holidays, anyways, see you guys soon!

Monday 2 July 2012

My new Swaroski pen!

 This pen is a gift from a friend I havn't seen for a long time, it was his nice to see you again gift. I felt a little guilty, as the gift I brought him was a plushie. :( Oh, well, I'll make up for it next time.But anyways, here some pictures of this pen.

This is definetly the most expensive pen I own. Look how pretty it is, although in the photo, you can't really see how the crystals sparkle, I really want to get a DSLR. Whenever I go travelling I see these little kids holding one, and I'm left thinking, I wish I had one too...

Saturday 9 June 2012

nose contouring

This technique is definetly very useful, believe it or not, your nose has a huge effect on how you look, and surgery is not the only way to get a nicer nose. Nose contouring is a method that allows your to slightly modify the appearance of your nose. The following is the method I use, but you may like to change it a bit, depending on your nose, as everyone's noses are unique.
White - highlight, this will make your overall sin tone look lighter, and help your nose appear higher.
Blue- Take a colour one shade darker than your skin and brush on the indicated regions, this makes your nose look thinner, and taller, but make sure not to overdo this part, as your nose may look unaturally thin, and make the contouring too obvious.

Pink - Use a concealer or foundation the same colour as your skin in this region, this makes the base of your nose look smaller, which is very important, because we have make the top part of the nose look thinner.

Purple - Use the same shade then use for the blue region, for this part, make sure you blend it in well with the pink region and recreate the curved sides of your nose, that we covered up in the pink region. Make sure this is blended in really well with the pink region, or else it will look like you have two noses one on top of each other.

To make your nose look longer, you can also cover the base of your nose with a shade darker than your skin, once again, make sure the shade is not too dark, ot else it'll look unatural.

So guys, this is all for now, I'll upload a step-by-step on this soon! XD
Still waiting in anticipation for my japanese bun maker, when I work out how to use it, I'll make a tutorial for that as well!     >.<

But for now, c u guys soon

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Stress. It's a good thing, it keeps us on our track, it keeps us focused, and it pretty much forces us to work,. Many people work under stress, but stress, just like chocolate, is good for you, only in small portions. When you feel like your carrying a burden on your back everyday, when you forget how to smile or look around you, that is way too much stress. That can be damaging not only to your body, but also, your job and your friendships. So, how to alleviate? Though this might make me seem mentally unstable, personally, I think the extreme ends of emotions are really good for realieving stress. Nothing better than a good cry, or hysterical laughing. I like to watch either really sad dramas, or really funny variety shows. e.g. running man.  That show is seriously hilarious. The good thing about watching variety shows is that its less likely to get addicted, so for some of you it will definetly be the better option.

But apart from watching stuff, excercising is also really good for relaxing. Why? Because not only do you get a boost of self-esteem afterwards, when you excercise, your mind empties. This little rest can help it become stronger, and cope better for any stress that will come after.

Stress, is like raining, (sorry for my bad simile :( i hope u guys don't mind )it is not always bad, and it is something that every person might face. A method of coping with stress, is by simply accepting it. Whinging about it, pitying yourself about it, will not help you in any way, it will only make the situation worse. So, guys, whenever you start to think, I hate all this stress, why is life so horrible? Stop. Go on the internet, watch running man, laugh your head off. Then turn back to your life, and say, I can do this.

Monday 28 May 2012


When your buried under stacks and stacks of work, when your life is so busy you could barely take the time to take a walk in the sunlight or rain. You will wonder, really, why am I doing this? What will I get out of this? Money, a degree, fame, is that all? All this hard work, for that? Is it worth it? We hear now and then, people saying to us, find a job you love, find a job that is paid well, and one that allows you to spend time with the ones you love. People say that those who work so hard for fame or wealth, especially wealth will end up unhappy. On this issue, that is what we always hear. Always. But is it really true? Yes, to some extent, but personally, I feel, that it is not always like this. If you spend your life with your family on a low paid job, as you earn what you work. This person, would be the one staring at designer brands, wanting to get their child the best medical advice and treatment but cannot afford it, unable to protect themselves in the court, due to the high price for legal advice. Yet, the richer person, will be able to do all these things. I guess this is a controversial issue, and yes I may seem shallow, but these things are important, not only to a person's happiness, but also to their physical and mental well being. There is nothing worse than helplessly watching the one you love, suffering as a result of your inadequacy. Anyhow this is my opinion, what do you guys think?

Saturday 26 May 2012

friendly health advice

hmph! stomach felt so bad all day, I think the milk I had yesterday night was spoilt. :(  But it did inspire me to write this post, so I guess, everything does happen for a reason.

A friendly remainder, health always comes before everything, going around with constant stabs of pain in you stomach not only ruins your day but also everything you do that day. So everyone, if you drink milk, make sure its good milk, don't make the same mistake as me. If you suspect that the milk may have gone bad, but are not entirely are, heat the milk until it sarts to steam, you can do this in a microwave, then let it cool for a bit, if the surface is not smooth then the milk is most likely bad. I bet that none of u guys have heard of this :) but trust me its true and it works, I read it off a Chinese magazine, and I thought what the heck?! So I actually tested it out with newly bought milk and with bad milk. I must have been really bored, but anyhow, it worked so, this is the method I use to check my milk nowdays. :)

Hopes this helps! Nothing worse than the stomach ache you get from bad milk...

Saturday 5 May 2012

asian fashion page coming -please comment

I know i've been posting a lot today, but i'll be creating a page about asian fahion soon which is becoming more and more popular these days, if ur interested, please comment and tell me what type of fashion you want me to focus on ; work, school, just casual or shirts, dresses, cosplay even! :D
guys I have called the japanese girl hairstyles page finished, but if u want more information, you can comment and I'll try to add to it...
Yay!!  i hav a follower! Really Thanyou for following me! I was starting to lose confidence :D  Please reccomend this blog to ur friends and please comment!  XD

Saturday 21 April 2012

wow, this feeling of getting a blog is really hard to describe, i really don't know what to say...   umm.. so, why did i create this blog, because i was inpired by bloggers like we live young, and makeup gurus such as bubzbeauty, these two u may know about or u may not, if u don't i recommend looking at them if u hav the time, it would be really worthwhile. So the internet is literally a web over the entire globe, and hopefully my blog will offer not only advice on beauty on the outside which is very important but also beauty on the inside which i find is even more important and more often than not, it reflects out onto a person's beauty on the outside. so as u all probably can guess, this blog is going to be about makeup, fashion, beauty tips, funny and cute pictures and something i hope will brighen ur day. :)

I am going to start my blog with making a page about popular japanese hairstyles, if you are into asian hairstlyes or are planning to get a hair cut, please take a look and comment. And also give me some advice as this is my first time blogging.  XD