Popular Japanese girl hairstyles advice

japanese hairstyles for girls seems to have gradually evovled from the straight, silky, shiny black hair to a much softer look. Almost every japanese idol now wear there hair wavy, or with big dolly/princess curls. Here is a collection of hairstyles that you might like to refer to when choosing your next hairstyle or choosing ur next fringe.

Watanabe Mayu, her fringe is very very popular in Japan, it is cute, easy to maintain, and suits all face shapes as the fringe can be modified slightly to frame your face. This fringe can slim down your face and make it look smaller. As you can see her hair is curled but the curls are thin and quite crisp, which makes is looks more japanese than say korean, which are more flowing and elegant. These curls are clean, cute, girly and perfect for school. I guess clean is a strange way of describing these curls, but it was the first thing I thought of.

    Here is a picture of Yuki Kashiwagi, her hair is brown, and very soft shine. The tips of her hair are subtly curled to make her face look rounder and more innocent. Her fringe like mayu's is suitable for all face shapes and though this hairstyle is not distinctly japanese, it is very casual and convenient and can be worn everywhere. I would also call this hairstyle very innocent and natural, a passerby would think it was natural, but if you look closely, you can tell that she has curled the end of her hair just a bit.
      A picture of Yuki Kashiwagi and Moeno Nito. (Yuki left, Moeno right) Both have their hair in soft dolly curls, which are becoming increasinly popular. As you can see yuki's fringe is a little different from the picture above, but all it is, is yuki growing her fringe to be slightly longer and then sweeping it to the side a little. If Moeno grew her fringe longer, she could do teh same thing. If you get a fringe like Moeno's or Yuki's fringe above, and dislike it, you could to the same thing. =) I really want to point out Moeno's curls they are soft and long and very princess like. These curls and her hair colour are now becoming increasingly popular.
        Takajo Aki, her fringe is not dissimilar to the other examples, and i guess this gives you an idea of how popular it is, but i chose this picture as it is an eaxmple of how to modify the fringe to flatter your face shape; so like to make it rounder or slimmer. Aki's fringe does not frame her entire face, her cheeks are not framed at all, in fact her fringe ends right at the top of her cheeks, making them seem rounder and making her face shape seem shorter. You could try this if you want the same effect. Short curled hair also make the face seem rounder. As you can see Aki's curls are quite similar to Mayu's. (first picture)

        To show you how much framing the face can slim your face down here is a picture of aki with a fringe that frames her face.

        Itano Tommi, this is a completely different type of japanese look from the other two. Her hair colour is really popular, so if you are considering dyin your hair, this is a good choice. Her curls are quite similar to the curls in teh other two photos, but notice how they curl outwards. This makes her hair look very elegant and princess-like. This is a very good harstyle for uni or work, but be warned, this look requires you to spend some time infront of the mirror every morning with a flat iron or curler to make sure the curls look as they should. This hairstyle suits oval faces best!


        1. you know how to do mayu watanabe's fringe?? i try to do, but i can't!! ):

          1. Sorry, this is a really late reply, I've been buried under loads of school work, and I hadn't been able to go on blogger :( but yes, I do know how to do mayu's fringe! :D Give me a little more time to grow my bangs out and I'll do a tutorial for you :)

        2. yes japanese hairtyles are becoming very popular day by day i too had bangs but now i have gotten them straight
