Saturday 26 May 2012

friendly health advice

hmph! stomach felt so bad all day, I think the milk I had yesterday night was spoilt. :(  But it did inspire me to write this post, so I guess, everything does happen for a reason.

A friendly remainder, health always comes before everything, going around with constant stabs of pain in you stomach not only ruins your day but also everything you do that day. So everyone, if you drink milk, make sure its good milk, don't make the same mistake as me. If you suspect that the milk may have gone bad, but are not entirely are, heat the milk until it sarts to steam, you can do this in a microwave, then let it cool for a bit, if the surface is not smooth then the milk is most likely bad. I bet that none of u guys have heard of this :) but trust me its true and it works, I read it off a Chinese magazine, and I thought what the heck?! So I actually tested it out with newly bought milk and with bad milk. I must have been really bored, but anyhow, it worked so, this is the method I use to check my milk nowdays. :)

Hopes this helps! Nothing worse than the stomach ache you get from bad milk...

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