Saturday 9 June 2012

nose contouring

This technique is definetly very useful, believe it or not, your nose has a huge effect on how you look, and surgery is not the only way to get a nicer nose. Nose contouring is a method that allows your to slightly modify the appearance of your nose. The following is the method I use, but you may like to change it a bit, depending on your nose, as everyone's noses are unique.
White - highlight, this will make your overall sin tone look lighter, and help your nose appear higher.
Blue- Take a colour one shade darker than your skin and brush on the indicated regions, this makes your nose look thinner, and taller, but make sure not to overdo this part, as your nose may look unaturally thin, and make the contouring too obvious.

Pink - Use a concealer or foundation the same colour as your skin in this region, this makes the base of your nose look smaller, which is very important, because we have make the top part of the nose look thinner.

Purple - Use the same shade then use for the blue region, for this part, make sure you blend it in well with the pink region and recreate the curved sides of your nose, that we covered up in the pink region. Make sure this is blended in really well with the pink region, or else it will look like you have two noses one on top of each other.

To make your nose look longer, you can also cover the base of your nose with a shade darker than your skin, once again, make sure the shade is not too dark, ot else it'll look unatural.

So guys, this is all for now, I'll upload a step-by-step on this soon! XD
Still waiting in anticipation for my japanese bun maker, when I work out how to use it, I'll make a tutorial for that as well!     >.<

But for now, c u guys soon

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