Wednesday 6 June 2012


Stress. It's a good thing, it keeps us on our track, it keeps us focused, and it pretty much forces us to work,. Many people work under stress, but stress, just like chocolate, is good for you, only in small portions. When you feel like your carrying a burden on your back everyday, when you forget how to smile or look around you, that is way too much stress. That can be damaging not only to your body, but also, your job and your friendships. So, how to alleviate? Though this might make me seem mentally unstable, personally, I think the extreme ends of emotions are really good for realieving stress. Nothing better than a good cry, or hysterical laughing. I like to watch either really sad dramas, or really funny variety shows. e.g. running man.  That show is seriously hilarious. The good thing about watching variety shows is that its less likely to get addicted, so for some of you it will definetly be the better option.

But apart from watching stuff, excercising is also really good for relaxing. Why? Because not only do you get a boost of self-esteem afterwards, when you excercise, your mind empties. This little rest can help it become stronger, and cope better for any stress that will come after.

Stress, is like raining, (sorry for my bad simile :( i hope u guys don't mind )it is not always bad, and it is something that every person might face. A method of coping with stress, is by simply accepting it. Whinging about it, pitying yourself about it, will not help you in any way, it will only make the situation worse. So, guys, whenever you start to think, I hate all this stress, why is life so horrible? Stop. Go on the internet, watch running man, laugh your head off. Then turn back to your life, and say, I can do this.

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