Monday 28 May 2012


When your buried under stacks and stacks of work, when your life is so busy you could barely take the time to take a walk in the sunlight or rain. You will wonder, really, why am I doing this? What will I get out of this? Money, a degree, fame, is that all? All this hard work, for that? Is it worth it? We hear now and then, people saying to us, find a job you love, find a job that is paid well, and one that allows you to spend time with the ones you love. People say that those who work so hard for fame or wealth, especially wealth will end up unhappy. On this issue, that is what we always hear. Always. But is it really true? Yes, to some extent, but personally, I feel, that it is not always like this. If you spend your life with your family on a low paid job, as you earn what you work. This person, would be the one staring at designer brands, wanting to get their child the best medical advice and treatment but cannot afford it, unable to protect themselves in the court, due to the high price for legal advice. Yet, the richer person, will be able to do all these things. I guess this is a controversial issue, and yes I may seem shallow, but these things are important, not only to a person's happiness, but also to their physical and mental well being. There is nothing worse than helplessly watching the one you love, suffering as a result of your inadequacy. Anyhow this is my opinion, what do you guys think?

Saturday 26 May 2012

friendly health advice

hmph! stomach felt so bad all day, I think the milk I had yesterday night was spoilt. :(  But it did inspire me to write this post, so I guess, everything does happen for a reason.

A friendly remainder, health always comes before everything, going around with constant stabs of pain in you stomach not only ruins your day but also everything you do that day. So everyone, if you drink milk, make sure its good milk, don't make the same mistake as me. If you suspect that the milk may have gone bad, but are not entirely are, heat the milk until it sarts to steam, you can do this in a microwave, then let it cool for a bit, if the surface is not smooth then the milk is most likely bad. I bet that none of u guys have heard of this :) but trust me its true and it works, I read it off a Chinese magazine, and I thought what the heck?! So I actually tested it out with newly bought milk and with bad milk. I must have been really bored, but anyhow, it worked so, this is the method I use to check my milk nowdays. :)

Hopes this helps! Nothing worse than the stomach ache you get from bad milk...

Saturday 5 May 2012

asian fashion page coming -please comment

I know i've been posting a lot today, but i'll be creating a page about asian fahion soon which is becoming more and more popular these days, if ur interested, please comment and tell me what type of fashion you want me to focus on ; work, school, just casual or shirts, dresses, cosplay even! :D
guys I have called the japanese girl hairstyles page finished, but if u want more information, you can comment and I'll try to add to it...
Yay!!  i hav a follower! Really Thanyou for following me! I was starting to lose confidence :D  Please reccomend this blog to ur friends and please comment!  XD